Summary and reflection on the Reading (Week 5)
Lam, W. S. E. (2000). L2 literacy and the design of the self: A case study of a teenager writing on the internet. TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 457-482
The study examined how a Chinese immigrant teenager, Almon, in writing on the internet on identity formation and literacy development of the ESL learning. Even thought Almon had been in USA for five years, he was frustrated by the insufficient of English skills. However, he liked browsing information on the Web. Later on, he constructed his home-page and started to chat with people in different places on internet. He also used English to send e-mail. Then, Lam collected data on Almon’s activities, on-line reflection text, school life and computer experience. She found that Almon gradually developed the confident in writing English. Technologies provide varied opportunities for ESL learners to engage in literacy experiences on the Internet, hence motivate Almon’s interest from browsing internet to constructed his identity in English to communicate with on-line friend and build up a relationship with peer.
Almon’s case lets me know more and understand more about the real use of technologies if we can make use of them. I find that it is amazing to change one’s attitude of learning on internet. Before I took this course, I recognized I know only a little about technologies. I always blame on my students and friends don’t use the computer too much and we cannot communicate in this part. But after reading more, specially, the case studies by the scholars, I gradually open my eyes and try to ask more about new technologies. I will also try to ask my students use bloggings to learn English. I believe that even the students may not contact teacher everyday, the internet may provide them varied opportunities to learn different language and information to upgrade themselves. They may find more fun outside the classroom.